Saturday, March 12, 2011


I'm working rather hard at the moment on creating a suitable Ostara ritual. I am not even really sure what I will be doing for Spring Solstice. I have a friend who knows of a coven that is holding and open ritual and is asking if she may bring me along. I may do that. Or I may do the ritual for myself either in the Glen or out at the local park. Either way I need to have the ritual written so that it can go into my BOS for later.
I went ahead and got some seeds for my fairy garden! I need to look through them and record what I'm planting and why. I got a few herbs but some are more difficult to find. Some of the stores just don't seem to have them yet or sometimes not at all. I want them before Ostara because regardless of solo or group ritual I intend to bless and begin planting that day.

Also I have gotten my girlfriend to agree to be my guinea pig while I practice a few spells! *wicked laughter* Nothing harmful of course. Rather like small experiments to see what works, what effect it has, and if I have any talent in spellcrafting. I feel like being a witch is much the same as being anything else. Some people are good at some parts, others are good at other parts. Not everyone can be a diviner or a charm maker or a spell crafter. So I guess right now I'm learning and searching for my specialty.

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed your article on witches' voice and am going to follow you here. Good luck finding your speciality as mentioned in this post. Your voice (in your writing, etc.) is very healing and empowering, so that may be something to consider too.
